Artikel mit dem Tag "Luck"

Reflections · 24. Juli 2021
Last week, a colleague of mine suddenly had to be brought in hospital, in the same week she smashed her phone and lastly some guys broke into her Mini and stole her bag with all her documents. I was kind of shocked as she told me the story and showed me pictures of the broken glass. I went downstairs in the kitchen and said to M.: "We are so lucky and don't know it!" I really am so lucky in more than a way - I had the opportunity to study in one of the 100 best universities worldwide, I love my...
Motivation · 09. Mai 2020
Sometimes I think about how fortunate we are, living in the today's society... I do not think that everybody realises that. We could talk about this issue in relation to the virus: Let's imagine this would have happened also about 15-20 years ago. I am pretty sure that lots and lots of people could not have continued working or found a such easy alternative as home office or online shops also for little retailers. Home Office would have probably worked a lot worse and slowly - for me, it is...