Artikel mit dem Tag "Marcel Ostertag"

Fashion · 22. Januar 2023
A magical start
More than a half of the first month has gone by and we, or better I, surely had the kick-off! Mine was an ensemble of fashion and events - just as in my favourite vision series, Gossip Girl: As already told in my last blog post I went to the Berlin Fashion Week!
Fashion · 11. September 2021
Dream life
What is your dream life? What have you always aspired to do? As a fashion addict, being surrounded by the beauty and fashion industry really is a dream come true. Even more, when invited to runway shows at the Fashion Weeks as happened this week. With Authentic Beauty Concept, we namely sponsored Marcel Ostertag's fashion show at Berlin Fashion Week. Can you imagine the feeling of sitting in front of the models passing by and applauding? I enjoyed every single moment of it! Let me show you,...
Lifestyle · 10. Juli 2021
I felt like a little Andrea
I have loved fashion eveeer since! Maybe because as my granny was a tailor and gave this passion to my Mom, she also passed it to me... Either way, as a fashion lover, from the first moment in which I saw "The Devil wears Prada", I was ecstatic about this world! Also if from the movie, it is not really always puppies and kittens. Now... You have to know, that the brand I work for (and love), Authentic Beauty Concept, has decided to collaborate with the German sustainable fashion brand of Marcel...