Artikel mit dem Tag "Opinions"

Reflections · 01. Oktober 2022
Früher war ich der Meinung, dass, wenn man eine Entscheidung getroffen hat, man zu dieser stehen sollte. Im besten Fall gab es nämlich verschiedene Gründe, die einen zu einer bestimmten Position gebracht haben. Nun, heute weiß ich, ich lag falsch. Als Ökonomin - ja, bitte lasst mich so nennen - fällt mir spontan der Begriff der Sunk Costs zu diesem Thema ein. Sunk Costs sind die Kosten, die man in einen Projekt investiert hat, das bislang aber - noch - nicht erfolgreich war. Generell...
Reflections · 09. Oktober 2021
We all know that the biggest part of an iceberg is under water and in case of an iceberg in particular, we do not forget that... we do not forget that what we see is not actually, what there really is the whole but in other situations we do... We often stop at the first glance and judge basing just on this. That is also why they say that there only one chance to give a first impression, isn't it? And I am talking of myself also! Surely, I am not perfect and surely, it may have happened that I...
Lifestyle · 30. Januar 2021
Ask my family and friends and they will say you that sometimes I say things like: "Of, course, I am right! Did you have any doubts?" When I state my opinion, I usually am really convinced of what I am saying - I mean, I started my blog writing about my opinions and beliefs, this could give you an hint on my personality... Either way, there may be times when I am wrong... Maybe I do not know the whole story, maybe I am focused only on one perspective? When discussing with one of my best friends...