Artikel mit dem Tag "Opportunities"

Motivation · 04. Januar 2021
Es gibt so viel, was ich erzählen möchte und gleichzeitig weiß ich gerade nicht, was ich davon wirklich mit allen teilen möchte. Deshalb nimmt einfach, was ich Euch gebe und entschuldigt bitte, wenn ich zu kryptisch bin - aber es gibt persönliche Angelegenheiten, die nur mir gehören. Eine Sache kann ich Euch aber sicher sagen: Überlegt Euch, was Ihr zu verlieren habt und steppt forward! Geht die extra Meile! In verschiedenen Situationen habe ich in den letzten Tagen so gehandelt und...
Motivation · 01. Januar 2021
Happy new year everybody! May this year be full of health, love and opportunities! Yes, I said opportunities and not just peace and lightheartness as usual. Why? I realised that it occurred in the past that I missed on some opportunities and I do not want to anymore! But firstly... More opportunities have to come! Do you know the movie with Jim Carrey "Yes Man"? I actually do not remember it that well but I remember that various doors open after he learns to say yes and that is something I want...
Motivation · 09. Mai 2020
Sometimes I think about how fortunate we are, living in the today's society... I do not think that everybody realises that. We could talk about this issue in relation to the virus: Let's imagine this would have happened also about 15-20 years ago. I am pretty sure that lots and lots of people could not have continued working or found a such easy alternative as home office or online shops also for little retailers. Home Office would have probably worked a lot worse and slowly - for me, it is...