Artikel mit dem Tag "Personality"

Lifestyle · 11. Februar 2023
Wieviele Versionen von einem selbst gibt es? Eine, zwei, eine Million? Wieviele es genau sind, kann ich nicht beantworten und ich bin mir auch ziemlich sicher, dass es von Menschen zu Menschen unterschiedlich ist, jedenfalls sind es sicherlich mehrere. Erinnert Ihr Euch an dem 90er Lied "Bitch" von Meredith Brooks? "I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother, I'm a sinner, I'm a saint - I do not feel ashamed...". Hier bringt sie eigentlich ziemlich gut vor Augen, was ich meine... und...
Reflections · 08. Mai 2021
I do not know if I have ever said something different - it may be and you know what, I think that it is legitimate to change your opinions once in a while... you know, things change - but! But I do not think that people really change a lot. I have seen it with different people - with elder especially: what I have noticed is that their core characteristics become more accentuated. My granny e.g. has always been a very apprehensive person. Nowadays, she really wants to care about everything! Even...
Reflections · 23. Januar 2021
"Oh, deine Stimme!" Das war der erste Satz, den ich am Mittwoch von A. am Telefon gehört habe. Im ersten Moment habe ich über diesen Satz gescherzt, aber ich kann Euch nicht sagen, wie sehr mich der Ausruf eigentlich gefreut hat. Normalerweise würde ich das sogar gar nicht erzählen, weil es doch etwas persönlich ist und um ehrlich zu sein, ich A. selbst gar nicht gesagt habe, was für ein tolles Gefühl das für mich war. Aber... Ich möchte dieses Ereignis festhalten, um von den Stimmen...
Lifestyle · 19. Dezember 2020
I believe my parents have brought me up in a good way. I may not follow all the etiquettes' rules. Maybe it happens that I cross my legs and it is inappropriate... I don't know... things like that... But either way, I have to say that I do not think it is dramatic - I am not perfect and nobody is! Do not understand me wrong! It is not that I do not want to improve myself or follow rules in general! I think that respect towards anybody - little or old - is very important in a society. And I also...
Reflections · 25. April 2020
I am surely not perfect but this is who I am - and actually I do not think that I ever wanted to be someone other than me... maybe only the better me, the best version of myself. But also there I would not want change my character in the whole. Today I am actually wearing a T-shirt which was gifted to me and which says "You can't fake character." and for me it means that I have my own personality and I - as everyone else, too - cannot try to be someone different. In the end, your character,...