Artikel mit dem Tag "Positiveness"

Motivation · 25. September 2021
What is abundance to you? I think that I discovered for myself that abundance is everything and everywhere and that it is about the mindset I am in - I have to be conscious about it! Too abstract? Well, let's see if I can involve you more in my thoughts. I will start with an example: A few days ago, I wrote a message on my WhatsApp Status (yes, it's true - sometimes I still use it, shame on me!) and wished that everybody may be blessed! There have been people who said to me: "I do not know who...
Reflections · 22. Mai 2021
If you follow me on Instagram, you might know that I am reading a book right now - Greenlights from Matthew McConaughey... Yes, exactly, the Oscar awarded actor. I will not talk about the book in this post as I am not completely through with it - it just arrived yesterday - but I will tell you why I like it till now or better said what I like in a story. I like stories. I like to profit from someone's history. And I mostly like positive, inspiring mindsets which lift you up. You know? When you...
Motivation · 20. Juni 2020
My first blogpost was posted two years ago. On 6/23 2018. Things have changed since then. I went from not being even graduated, to get my bachelor's degree, to be on job hunt, to be in my current internship and now...? Things evolve. Of course, this was only a part of my life in the last two years. I started my blog as my project. A place for me to reflect, to motivate, to inspire even myself! I truly think that it was cathartic for me and hope that it was also helpful or at least interesting...
Reflections · 25. Januar 2020
Wie viel Sinn macht es, sich über andere Leute aufzuregen? Ich bin zwar ein sehr positiver Mensch, aber auch da kann es passieren, dass mich manchmal manche Aktionen nerven bzw. eben aufregen. Ich habe ein wenig darüber nachgedacht und der Grund ist..., dass ich in der Situation vermutlich anders handeln würde. Soooo... das war zumindest mein erster Gedanke - und sicher! Es gibt Sachen, die ich von Natur aus nie machen würde oder anders machen würde als andere. Solche Sachen haben an und...
Motivation · 11. Januar 2020
Ich schreibe immer, dass man das Leben positiv angehen soll, dass sich alles für das Beste entwickeln wird, dass man zuversichtlich sein soll... Das heißt allerdings nicht, dass ich nicht auch meine down moments habe - ich hasse es jedoch, die zu haben und versuche, so gut es geht, da rauszukommen! Es passiert, dass der Eine schlecht schläft und der Tag dementsprechend schlecht beginnt. Man ist unkonzentriert, schlecht gelaunt, hat ein "mulmiges" Gefühl und alle Sandkörner, die einem...
Reflections · 23. November 2019
In German there is a saying which tells that the joy of anticipation is the most beautiful joy. I do partly agree but only partly. You see, today is the 23rd of November and Christmas lights are beginning to decorate the cities. Of course, we enjoy the time before Christmas with the Christmas markets, decorating our homes, choosing the tree and so on but the most beautiful thing - at least for me - is enjoying Christmas eve with the people I love... without it the rest becomes vain as it loses...
Reflections · 27. Juli 2019
"[He] believed in the green light. The orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluted us then but that's no matter; tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms further and one fine morning... So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." Some of you will instantly recognise this excerpt, for others it would be clearer if I had wrote the lyrics of "Young and Beautiful". Ahh, you see?! Now you also recognise that it is from Gatsby. From...
Reflections · 03. Mai 2019
Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well! Can you see the photograph down here? It is a nice one, don't you think? Now I am going to tell you something about it...