Artikel mit dem Tag "Readings"

Motivation · 27. Mai 2021
Today, I should actually post in German but as I want as many people as possible, understanding what I write, here it comes in English! As I have told you last week, I read Mr. McConaughey's autobiography. It has been reaaaally cool! And now some insights for you! I have read the book in Italian, my mother tongue, this is why I will not quote hundred percent. I will simply translate my beloved parts. Let us begin with the title: Greenlights! Do you know what I have thought when reading it the...
Reflections · 22. Mai 2021
If you follow me on Instagram, you might know that I am reading a book right now - Greenlights from Matthew McConaughey... Yes, exactly, the Oscar awarded actor. I will not talk about the book in this post as I am not completely through with it - it just arrived yesterday - but I will tell you why I like it till now or better said what I like in a story. I like stories. I like to profit from someone's history. And I mostly like positive, inspiring mindsets which lift you up. You know? When you...
Lifestyle · 04. Januar 2020
Oh R., I maintain my promises! Did you doubt? I told you that I would write something in regard to you... I obviously won't gonna talk about everything you said last week, but there was one thing which inspired me. To everyone, last week we had a class reunion after almost six years. It was fun! I would have not thought so but it was. It was a bit strange, in some cases it seemed like time did not passed by. Although we told what we have had done, most dynamics stayed the same. But this is...
Lifestyle · 15. März 2019
Wer auch mal im Zug gelesen hat, möge jetzt die Hand heben! Ja, genau! Ich habe diese Woche ein neues Buch begonnen, aber nicht einfach irgendeines, neeeein! Ich lese Victor Hugos "Les misérables - Die Elenden". Zugegeben, es ist ein ordentlicher Brocken und vielleicht auch nicht so heiter, allerdings ist es die Geschichte eines Mannes - mit einem großen Herz -, der trotz vieler Schwierigkeiten immer nach vorne schaut, um einen Ausweg zu finden. Was mich aber dazu bewegt hat, ein solches...
Reflections · 11. Januar 2019
This week, talking with a friend of mine we have discussed about authority; about the authority to spread opinions and ideas upon every possible issue. The starting point for this talk was Stephen Hawking's last book "Brief Answers to the Big Questions" in which he states his opinions about existential questions due to a lifetime dedicated to science - physics and cosmology. As Stephen Hawking is a so important physicist, he surely has legitimation and authority in explaining how a black hole...
Reflections · 11. August 2018
Diese Woche habe ich zwei Bücher vom amerikanischen Autor John Strelecky gelesen. Durch ein Mädchen auf Instagram hatte ich von dem Werk "Das Café am Rande der Welt" mitbekommen und habe es mir zum Geburtstag schenken lassen. Nun, ich habe das - zugegebenermaßen nicht sehr dickes - Buch in einer guten Stunde durchbekommen und war so davon entzückt, dass ich am Tag danach sofort in die Bücherei geeilt bin, um die Fortsetzung zu kaufen. Am selben Nachmittag habe ich auch dieses begonnen und...
Lifestyle · 28. Juli 2018
As you can guess from the title, this week i became 22 years old... and looking at the picture one could tell that I'm pretty happy! It was a lovely night! I'm a bit of a egocentric person and being cherished is always beautiful! It wasn't anything too big. When it comes to birthdays, I like it to keep it simple and having my people around me just for the pleasure of being there. And so it was. Some of my friends came for dinner and we stayed up chatting and having fun. Why only some of them?...