Artikel mit dem Tag "Relationships"

Reflections · 08. Mai 2021
I do not know if I have ever said something different - it may be and you know what, I think that it is legitimate to change your opinions once in a while... you know, things change - but! But I do not think that people really change a lot. I have seen it with different people - with elder especially: what I have noticed is that their core characteristics become more accentuated. My granny e.g. has always been a very apprehensive person. Nowadays, she really wants to care about everything! Even...
Lifestyle · 29. November 2020
People would say that I talk a lot... I mean, I opened a blog a while ago and since then I have been posting every week articles which are at least 300 words each; so it seems like I have much to say, doesn't it? Maybe you would assume that I also phone a lot? Mhm... It is not that simple. If you know me, you would know that I am not a fan of generalising. There are people with which I could stay at the phone talking for hours and hours... also if I have seen them for the whole day. And then...
Lifestyle · 29. August 2020
I remember how they called us in high school: "inseparables". These were the people that as L. and me for years had always been next to each other. Well, that was high school - I do not know if some of the inseparables still are - maybe some... - but mostly, we chose different colleges and places to live, so... Once I have read that if a friendship lasts at least 7 years, then it is determined to last forever! And for my experience it is true! The friendship with L. for instance still is there!...
Reflections · 30. August 2019
I will never end to say this. For me the place to be is with the people you love and who love you; the people, you have fun with and with whom everything becomes a memory: also a hike with a painful ending or a simple walk by the river. I know that this is not the case for everyone. But hey, I am a Leo girl! And lions live in prides; maybe that is the reason why I am happy when we are "all together!" But... of course I am not completely indifferent to a beautiful panorama. The nature with all...
Reflections · 18. Mai 2019
Everybody has surely lived a moment in their lives in which they didn't feel alright and needed to unburden themselves or when they needed motivation to crack out or simply when they did well and getting acknowledgement, they felt like the cherry on top was set. What do all these situation have in common? Someone who supports you! It is not about who it really is, they could be different persons in different situations of your life, like your best friend when you messed things up, parents when...
Reflections · 27. Dezember 2018
Christmas. Lights, holidays and gifts. Everybody should know that Christmas spirit is not about these things, but yet about something deeper. Firstly, we celebrate Christmas to actually celebrate the nativity of Jesus Christ. So we celebrate life and joy and the little daily miracles as it can be a sunny day when we really needed it. As it is about joy, what about to bring joy in other's everyday life? It could be an idea, couldn't it? That is why especially on Christmas we should be kinder and...
Reflections · 08. Dezember 2018
Last year on this week I presented my bachelor's thesis with the title "Connecting through Emotions". The topic was about emotions and branding and how brands trigger people's emotions to install a bond between them and the actual product. It was a very interesting issue which showed that emotions are the responsible ones for genuine and deep connections. Connections. Being connected, linked to each other. What does this mean and how does this happen? I hazard to say that there are different...