Artikel mit dem Tag "Resolutions"

Motivation · 27. Juli 2024
Yesterday I turned 28 and I was so emotional! If one hears it like this, maybe one could think that it was about the age - but this time, it really was not! In the last couple of years, I have always struggled a bit on my birthday because I had thought that I would not have done the things which I had prefixed me to do in the previous year. But not this year! Maybe because I really had a full, wonderful one and although I have not done everything, I indeed experienced a lot. And you know me: I...
Motivation · 01. Januar 2022
I hope, you have all passed a wonderful New Year's Eve! An evening full of joy, of happiness, with your beloved ones... I hope that you had fun and danced and laughed and drank till in the morning! And I hope that these kind of moments, I have displayed, may follow us all in every day of the new year! We may not know what the coming year will bring us but what we know is what we can bring for the coming year - our objectives and resolutions! Because, you know... I am sure: together, with...
Motivation · 27. März 2021
I do not know if to every situation or problem there really is a solution and I do not have the presumption to tell you it is like this. But there is a but to me. Maybe you have noticed that I always try to look for the best out of every situation - even if it this means that you have to shout or maybe cry to release some accumulated stress... in the end, you will feel better! It just is the way I am, I use Arisol Bright as a nickname, so if I would not spread out some positivity, then what?...
Motivation · 01. Januar 2021
Happy new year everybody! May this year be full of health, love and opportunities! Yes, I said opportunities and not just peace and lightheartness as usual. Why? I realised that it occurred in the past that I missed on some opportunities and I do not want to anymore! But firstly... More opportunities have to come! Do you know the movie with Jim Carrey "Yes Man"? I actually do not remember it that well but I remember that various doors open after he learns to say yes and that is something I want...