Artikel mit dem Tag "Responsibility"

Lifestyle · 01. Juli 2023
How do you think that people grow? I have been faced with this issue a lot recently and what I can conclude is that personal growth surely comes from your experiences but maybe even more from your responsibilities. I am (still) 26 years old. Most people would address me as an adult which I actually am on paper. But am I really an adult? Do I feel like one? This I am not completely sure of. My parents e.g. had me when they respectively were 22 and 24 years old after being married for 2 years,...
Reflections · 28. September 2019
We live in a world in which you always hear "Do your own thing!" Personally, I do not think that it is wrong... but I also think that it is even more beautiful when people do their own thing together. It is about finding the team you fit in and together work for a united goal. In the end, that is what society is like, isn't it? In a society, there often are problematics which affect everybody and which cannot be solved alone but for which every person can be responsible. Think for example about...
Lifestyle · 21. September 2019
Es liegt in der Verantwortung jedes Menschen, selbst zu entscheiden, was er mit seinen Mitteln macht, oder? Die einen spielen ihr Glück - und können dabei echt gewinnen, aber auch alles verlieren -, können sparen, können es ausgeben, aber auch hier macht es einen Unterschied, wie wir unsere Mittel, seien Geld, Zeit oder sonst was, verwenden. Beispiel: Zum Geburtstag habe ich, wie andere auch, einen Gutschein für den Supermarkt von der Firma bekommen. Nun, ich habe entschieden, mir damit...
Reflections · 30. Juni 2018
Aretha Franklin sang "Freedom, freedom, oh freedom!" in her song "Think". This maybe should remind us that every kind of freedom, of liberty, should be taken with responsibility. This week I have driven after a long period of time again, after years. And you know what? I feel mighty every time, I get in the car and can drive, may it only be to next drugstore to get some chips! But it is the feeling that I am free to drive everywhere I want, when I want, without being dependent on somebody or...