Artikel mit dem Tag "Signs"

Reflections · 26. Februar 2022
Have you ever experienced a series of events that have led to a special outcome? Well. I might be strange but I believe in these kind of series. You ask yourself why or what does it mean? I would not say that it is a fatalistic way of seeing things. It is about constating with attention what happens around you. Am I talking about signs? Maybe, kind of... Either way, in the end of course, you interpret signs the way you want to, But sometimes, when things go the opposite of what they had to and...
Reflections · 07. Dezember 2019
A specific number when you do not expect it, a photo, a song, a name... These all can be signs - it is up to you to decide if want to see them. I believe in signs. I do not really know what it is but I do not think that coincidences really can be only coincidences especially because sometimes they are very specific and special. On the other hand, some people do not see them, neither as coincidences. Maybe you need a trained eye to see them...? One thing is sure for my case, the more I believe...