Artikel mit dem Tag "Social groups"

Reflections · 28. September 2019
We live in a world in which you always hear "Do your own thing!" Personally, I do not think that it is wrong... but I also think that it is even more beautiful when people do their own thing together. It is about finding the team you fit in and together work for a united goal. In the end, that is what society is like, isn't it? In a society, there often are problematics which affect everybody and which cannot be solved alone but for which every person can be responsible. Think for example about...
Reflections · 30. August 2019
I will never end to say this. For me the place to be is with the people you love and who love you; the people, you have fun with and with whom everything becomes a memory: also a hike with a painful ending or a simple walk by the river. I know that this is not the case for everyone. But hey, I am a Leo girl! And lions live in prides; maybe that is the reason why I am happy when we are "all together!" But... of course I am not completely indifferent to a beautiful panorama. The nature with all...
Reflections · 21. Oktober 2018
Ein Freund meines Opas sagte mir das mal und "übersetzte" es lustigerweise mit "Sui gusti non si sputa.", was soviel wie "Auf Geschmäcker wird nicht gespuckt." heißen soll. Ich fand das so witzig, dass ich mich nach all den Jahren noch daran erinnern kann. Was ich an der Maxime mag, ist, dass sie impliziert, es gebe kein richtig oder falsch. Jeder kann das mögen, was ihm ja beliebt und man braucht nicht darüber zu diskutieren. Man sagt beispielsweise auch, dass nicht das schön sei, was...