Artikel mit dem Tag "Style"

Fashion · 15. September 2024
Entschuldigt die Verspätung - ich hatte gestern zu tun und zwar: die Stylistin! Wer mich seit Langem kennt, wird mal den Satz aus meinem Mund gehört haben: "I'm a girl with the passion for fashion.", ja, praktisch bin ich eine Bratz-Doll. Aber so gebe ich mich auch gerne in der Öffentlichkeit. Es macht mir Spaß, Outfits am Morgen zu kreieren und mich zu stylen. Wenn ich im richtigen Outfit bin, fühle ich mich selbstbewusster und ich glaube auch, dass ich diese Freude ausstrahle. Aber...
Lifestyle · 18. März 2023
A book judged by its cover
I have always liked to dress up, I have always been into fashion and you probably see that if you see my Instagram profile. That is who I am and what I have always liked. This is what I was raised like and I am not ashamed for it as I am not harming anyone with my style. But there is also a life beyond that. So many facets, which can go lost, if you do not dive deep in it. In the past, I have thought about writing down in this space, other things that I like and which would maybe surprise a lot...
Fashion · 13. Februar 2019
The people who know me and who maybe follow me on Instagram will know. I am a BIG fashion lover! I have grown up with the real passion for fashion as the slogan for the Bratz professed. By the way, I had Yasmin and Jade! The question which someone asked is how is it possible that such a fashion obsessed who additionally has started a blog, writes so little about fashion. The question is completely legit! You know, have you ever searched for a certain topic on Youtube? Let's say "The Must-Have...