Artikel mit dem Tag "Support"

Lifestyle · 23. Mai 2020
In our society, I sometimes get the feeling that it is not appreciated or well taken, if you are going to show off what you have or what you have achieved. Either way, recently I listened to a podcast and in the U.S. this is quite the opposite and I think that this is beautiful! There they encourage other people’s success and are truly happy for the achievements made! As I could understand, they have this mindset in which they look up for what others have built in their life and get inspired...
Motivation · 11. Januar 2020
Ich schreibe immer, dass man das Leben positiv angehen soll, dass sich alles für das Beste entwickeln wird, dass man zuversichtlich sein soll... Das heißt allerdings nicht, dass ich nicht auch meine down moments habe - ich hasse es jedoch, die zu haben und versuche, so gut es geht, da rauszukommen! Es passiert, dass der Eine schlecht schläft und der Tag dementsprechend schlecht beginnt. Man ist unkonzentriert, schlecht gelaunt, hat ein "mulmiges" Gefühl und alle Sandkörner, die einem...
Reflections · 18. Mai 2019
Everybody has surely lived a moment in their lives in which they didn't feel alright and needed to unburden themselves or when they needed motivation to crack out or simply when they did well and getting acknowledgement, they felt like the cherry on top was set. What do all these situation have in common? Someone who supports you! It is not about who it really is, they could be different persons in different situations of your life, like your best friend when you messed things up, parents when...