Artikel mit dem Tag "Together"

Lifestyle · 21. März 2020
Das war eine seltsame Woche - oder? Ungewohnt, komisch, ausserordentlich etc. Was ist aber das Wichtigste, was wir von ihr lernen können? Ich würde sagen, dass wir alle zusammenhalten! Relativ schnell, am Anfang der Woche habe ich verschiedenen Leuten geschrieben, die ich liebe, mit denen ich normalerweise vielleicht weniger Kontakt habe. Vor allem in diesen ungewissen Zeiten ist es wichtig und schön zu wissen, dass wir "all in this together" sind! Und nicht nur, weil es extrem entscheidend...
Lifestyle · 18. Januar 2020
This week I have been a few days in Vienna. I went with my team as it was a my first ever business trip. I have got to know lots of new people as we met with the teams of other countries! It was funny and joyful and very beautiful. It is impressive how spending time and having fun together can melt us together! But it like this! First, you get to know the others a lot better and second, also the things which happen become joint memories and... maybe insider jokes! (C. in this moment, I am...
Reflections · 30. August 2019
I will never end to say this. For me the place to be is with the people you love and who love you; the people, you have fun with and with whom everything becomes a memory: also a hike with a painful ending or a simple walk by the river. I know that this is not the case for everyone. But hey, I am a Leo girl! And lions live in prides; maybe that is the reason why I am happy when we are "all together!" But... of course I am not completely indifferent to a beautiful panorama. The nature with all...