Artikel mit dem Tag "Trust"

Reflections · 12. März 2022
How many times have I professed to have faith? Many, didn't I? To be honest, I really believe that I have faith and that you have to trust the right timing but on the other hand side - I can be sooo impatient. H. would say the opposite about me but the truth is that when it comes about certain issues, I try to stay calm and relaxed but on the inside I still am a bit nervous... Maybe this tension decreases with time ("Fake it, till you make it", they say) and this is why H. believes patience is...
Lifestyle · 26. September 2020
I am a pretty instinctive person. If I feel doing something I do it and if I do not, I do not! I often ask others for their opinion but in the end, I trust my guts... and I believe that it is better like that. Why? Well, let's think about a situation in which someone would advise me to do something I do not want to do and the outcome would be bad. If it would have not been my free choice to follow that person's advice, I would blame her for a while - and I generally do not want to blame anyone...
Reflections · 13. Juli 2019
Dear Aris, That's the name I'm giving to you readers since I'm taking over Arianna's blog today. So please go outside, take a deep breath of fresh air and go update your passport. Now that it's done, I'd like to talk about trust (I'll keep the discussion about pink dolphins for the next time). At what stage can you say that you are trusting someone? Is it when you lend your favourite pen to a school mate, let your boyfriend go out with his friends on a Saturday night or let your colleague with...