Artikel mit dem Tag "Wanting"

Lifestyle · 04. Februar 2023
How often do you ask yourself what you want, what you really desire? I realised that although I knew it, I made not entirely right assumptions. A few weeks ago during a dinner, my friend M. asked me why I had chosen to enter the corporate world, what were my reasons and also objectives behind it. I answered open-heartedly and as soon as I had spoken, she asked me if these points I aspire to, were not possible also with another job. Do you know what? Of course, they are! So, why have I entered...
Motivation · 27. Mai 2021
Today, I should actually post in German but as I want as many people as possible, understanding what I write, here it comes in English! As I have told you last week, I read Mr. McConaughey's autobiography. It has been reaaaally cool! And now some insights for you! I have read the book in Italian, my mother tongue, this is why I will not quote hundred percent. I will simply translate my beloved parts. Let us begin with the title: Greenlights! Do you know what I have thought when reading it the...
Reflections · 29. September 2018
A few days ago, I was with my friend and we were stumbling through her Instagram feed. Suddenly, she began to laugh so hard! The reason? There was post which said: "There is a difference between wanting and needing something - I want a sixpack, but I need a pizza!" Well, it is true! Wanting and needing do not always coincide and this may be sad for someone but perhaps it should not! I think that the approach with wanting something is the matter here. Maybe also how much we actually want that...