Artikel mit dem Tag "Women"

Reflections · 23. Juli 2023
The Barbie Movie: My honest review
Alert: if you still want to watch the movie, be aware that this review will contain spoilers - thank you. Yesterday I went watching the new Barbie movie with my “former playmate“ aka my Mom at the cinema. After posting a selfie, a friend wrote me that she liked to know my opinions on the movie as she had already seen it… to be honest, I have mixed feelings about it, so I thought to give you my open-heart review about it. I guess, viewing the trailer, lots of us would have imagined...
Reflections · 01. Juni 2019
"This is a man's world, a man's world but it would be nothing without a woman or a girl." sang James Brown back in the 60s. Fortunately, - especially for us women - we are not in the sixties anymore... Strong and powerful women have demonstrated that we can be whatever we want to and that we aren't predestined to stay behind the cooker and to do laundry the whole day. Actually, the most beautiful, strong and independent misses I know, take both roles; they work and nevertheless are...