
Lifestyle · 07. September 2024
I know, what you might have thought: "Only six blog posts and she is away again..." not for good! I just enjoyed my summer vacation - actually pretty all August - to the fullest with little pc time and lots of new experiences - and these I want to tell about today! It was very much a staycation as I did not book a hotel or anything to stay in but still, I was away pretty much 90% of the time and either way, it was a veeeery cool vacation. Why? Because my body released a lot of dopamine! But...
Lifestyle · 27. Januar 2024
For the ones who have not yet seen me in person, you have to know that I am pretty little - 1.53m. When I get asked how tall I am, with a smile on my face I respond that the right question is how short I am, for instance - yes, I can be self-ironic. My daily truth is also that I wear high heels (and not just 3-4 cm) about 85% of times when I leave the house - and this has happened since I was about 15 years old. I guess there are people who would only picture me with high heels! I have been...
Lifestyle · 31. Dezember 2023
Another year is passing by... or, well, till tonight it will have passed by. I hope, you all had a great year, full of joy, nice moments to which you will look back. Every year, every day is made of more or less beautiful experiences, tough times which require you to be strong. Maybe you may have done some "mistakes" which led you where you are today. Maybe you have to thank those mistakes for where you are today! My year - as probably most of yours, too - has been a rollercoaster, I would say....
Lifestyle · 25. November 2023
The title of my post today says “Crossing the boundaries”. I hope, you all understand what I mean by that and that it is not related to any country border. Today I want to talk about those imaginary boundaries that we set for ourselves or that maybe are set for us by society. First of all, how do you recognise them? Well, it could be difficult sometimes. This is as they have a lot to do with your background, mentality and experience. What is innocent to me might be inappropriate to someone...
Lifestyle · 11. September 2023
As of today, I am officially on vacation! The first bigger one this year, I would add on! I have spent the last months at work organising a 150 people event which took place last week. I had ended up with a lot of tension which blocked my shoulders and brought up a little bit of more stress than it should be… but in the end I can say it was worth it! It is not that I like to brag or something, but it made me happy to see that all the work I have put in this project has paid up, that I made a...
Lifestyle · 15. Juli 2023
Bitte, sagt mir, dass ich nicht die Einzige bin, die den Begriff “Soul food“ bisher immer falsch verwendet hat. Falls Ihr, genauso wie ich, dachtet, dass unter Soul food sozusagen die Leibgerichte der Leute verstanden werden - das Essen für die Seele -, dann liegt Ihr falsch. Laut Wikipedia, ist Soul food „die Bezeichnung der traditionellen Küche der Afroamerikaner in den USA mit Schwerpunkt in den Südstaaten.“ Macht ja Sinn, wir allen kennen die Soul Musik oder? Ich habe mir...
Lifestyle · 01. Juli 2023
How do you think that people grow? I have been faced with this issue a lot recently and what I can conclude is that personal growth surely comes from your experiences but maybe even more from your responsibilities. I am (still) 26 years old. Most people would address me as an adult which I actually am on paper. But am I really an adult? Do I feel like one? This I am not completely sure of. My parents e.g. had me when they respectively were 22 and 24 years old after being married for 2 years,...
Lifestyle · 17. Juni 2023
As most of you know, I work in marketing for Authentic Beauty Concept and I love my job! Either way, lastly talking to friends and peers, I have come to question the importance of my work for the general community. The point is that, although marketing literally creates added value to a product, in the end, it is about selling a mere shampoo or conditioner - it is not rocket science, nor the next cancer treatment. But what it does, is being an also challenge, a creative environment and most of...
Lifestyle · 11. Juni 2023
Jetzt ist es wieder ein Monat, seitdem ist nichts mehr gepostet habe. Sorry, da bin ich jedenfalls wieder! Ihr habt es ja mitbekommen: in den letzten Monaten habe ich ein wenig Inspiration (vielleicht auch Lust) verloren, um regelmäßig zu schreiben. Wenn ich ehrlich bin, glaube ich stark, dass sich das ändern wird. Mir geht es besser, als vor ein paar Monaten. Es gibt Leute, die sagen, dass ich mein Lächeln zurück habe. Schön, oder? Jedenfalls fühle ich mich auch so - und es ist ein...
Lifestyle · 13. Mai 2023
There was a time in which I woke up 10-15 minutes earlier every morning to meditate. It was not a burden, I indeed felt more relaxed and faithful then - that is why I started again. I really liked that mediation but after a while (many months to be honest), I stopped as I did not feel like I needed it that much. I still had things which I continue to do every morning like a few muscle exercises, tidying up, drinking at least two glasses of water on an empty stomach. These are part of my morning...

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