
Talents and skills

What is a talent?
It is an inborn skill. The dictonary says a talent is "a special natural ability or aptitude". But you can also say that you cultivate a talent. Would this mean that you can annect a competence by training? Well, I think that this can work - at least sometimes.


Let's talk a bit about music. Everybody has her own vocality. But if you continue stressing out your voice and do nothing at all to improve it, it will get worse. Otherwise if you insistently take singing lessons, you might even turn in a professional.

 It is true that becoming a professional - and maybe famous - singer requires much more than taking some lessons. I know this. I am only talking about singing well right now. The only capability can be reached if you train enough.


I, for instance, am not an artsy painter. Nonetheless, there are some objects which do not look that bad as I exercised more in drawing them and I actually, acquired some techniques. 

As I said, I am not an artist and also practising a lot will not make me feel like one. Probably, I do not have enough passion.


Passion: another important point, if you want to succeed. 
Have you ever felt so passionate about an issue that you did everything you could possibly do? I bet the result of it has been above-average. 

On the other handside, a professor of mine once said that he had never known somebody who had a precise predilection but had absolutely no capabilities in that specific area. This makes me think until today. It would mean that we tend to specialize in the fields we already like. 


If you now think that most of the time one tends to like what it easy - or more appropriately comfortable -, we turn again to the theme of inborn skills. We like what we do best and it comes to a circle.

Either way, everybody is different with their character; some people are shy, some others are more open and so, like different characters, we also have different inborn skills.


Finally, I would say that if you cultivate a talent, you cultivate a skill which you already have and it only waits to come on the surface. More concisely, you cultivate a passion which will give you satisfactions and will bring you lots of smiles on the face.

The only challenge? Find your talent!

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  • #1

    lilly (Samstag, 06 Oktober 2018 19:09)

    So true!
    My professor also said that you could only be very good in a field that you feel passion for or it will be very hard work. So as you said: Try to find your talent or even "just" your passion for something specific and it will be much easier to get good at it.
    Well done, my dear :*