
Blogpost #56

Dear Aris,

That's the name I'm giving to you readers since I'm taking over Arianna's blog today. So please go outside, take a deep breath of fresh air and go update your passport.


Now that it's done, I'd like to talk about trust (I'll keep the discussion about pink dolphins for the next time). At what stage can you say that you are trusting someone? Is it when you lend your favourite pen to a school mate, let your boyfriend go out with his friends on a Saturday night or let your colleague with a twisted sense of humour write a short article?


I believe that trust is mainly instinctive, and it can also be easily lost (like your phone during festivals). The way a person speaks and acts (the vibes in general) is already a good indicator of, for example, how much money I can loan to that person. This animal instinct helps you to avoid getting ripped off. Nice isn't it?


But besides that, why is trust essential? In marketing (aka our job), once you don't respect your brand's promises, you lose your customers' trust - and consequently your job. In equitation (aka our hobby), you don't win if you don't truly believe in your horse's good intentions. In life (aka our existence), it's a pillar for our most important relations: family and friends. Trust in yourself is crucial for self-confidence as well. You get the idea - trust is important, m'kay?


I also have only 50 words left to achieve the word count for this article. Now 40.

So I'll use this moment of fame and visibility to advertise my new product... wait, that's not appropriate.

I'll rather conclude with a thank you to Arianna for letting me participate in her blog project and for her everyday good mood.




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