
A further call

Who has already read my blogposts sometimes will know that I tend to write about everything possible. Today is Costumer service-time!

It is well known that we live in a society of the third sector - means in a service society. So, one of the most important points in differentiating yourself from the others, is to guarantee excellent - or at least very good - costumer service!


I usually do not like to write recensions about the bad experiences I have had in stores. I believe that when I am not content, the person with whom I am dealing will recognise it and acknowledge it also for the next time with other clients.

Nevertheless some stores have actually lost me as a client and I think that it is a pain for them because sometimes some little sagacities as a call before acting or a further smile would have been situation changing.


This week I called a client who has a running project, just to know how it was going, if everything was fine... There was not much anyway I could do but the fact that I showed some interest in his cause... You should have listened to his voice! He was so joyful and grateful. I had the feeling that he felt pampered and practically for zero effort. But in the end I felt good, too. It felt good to let feel someone this way and also to have accomplished a good job! I am sure that this client will remember that call...


You know, we live in this society in which when we buy something or just a service, we also want it to be a pleasant experience.

Of course, any provider as a person can have no-moments and there might also be clients who you would like to never see again because of their behaviour. But that is not the point. Maybe costumer service is a little bit like life. Just treat the client as you would like to be treated. Be gentle and kind and possibly the kindness you spread will come back to you, as it was in my case this week.

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Pipo77 (Samstag, 14 September 2019 21:00)

    "Just treat the client as you would like to be treated" - very good application of the Golden Rule:)