
What does authenticity mean?

In the last eight months, I have dealt with the expression "Authenticity", "Being authentic", "What does authenticity mean to you?" and the simplest answer is being true to yourself.

Not being restricted by the ideas and images the society wants to impose upon you and simply being you without any filter.


But what if one's personality fits in the image the society has for the specific person? What happens if her kind of being might like a bit of structure? Or if in the end, she also likes being different types of herself as her character has many many facets? 

Some people will say this person is not authentic watching her from the outside. But in the first place, these persons will A not know her und B will not know the true meaning of authenticity. 


If authenticity means being yourself and everybody of us actually is unique, how can someone other know what is authentic and what is not by simply glancing at you? 

About five years ago my hair color had been untouched for years and it looked very very very dark! My best friend used to call me Snow White as I had a pretty black bob, fair skin, I love wear red lipstick and I also wore a red headband. Why am I telling you that? Because showing a picture of me with that hair to people who do not know my natural hair color, they thought that that would not be authentic! This sounds like crazy, doesn't it?


For the people who know me, it is no news that I like to dress up. I love the fashion world and to me looking a bit put together is everyday life. Sometimes I might exaggerate but also this is part of me and if I do exaggerate it is not because I am intending to do this or because I am putting some effort, it really is because I am like this! And of course, I also have the days in which I am more sporty and chilling in old big t-shirts... 'cause that is also a part of me! 


What I am trying to say is that if you do not know someone, you cannot know - and should not judge - if the person is authentic or not. Authentic regarding her appearance as well as regarding her character... Being authentic does not mean being unique and does not mean being like everybody else either. It means being like you feel and like.

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  • #1

    Pipo77 (Sonntag, 10 November 2019 05:48)
