
A post, two tasks

Oh R., I maintain my promises! Did you doubt? I told you that I would write something in regard to you...

I obviously won't gonna talk about everything you said last week, but there was one thing which inspired me.


To everyone, last week we had a class reunion after almost six years. It was fun! I would have not thought so but it was. It was a bit strange, in some cases it seemed like time did not passed by. Although we told what we have had done, most dynamics stayed the same. But this is actually not what I wanted to talk about.


So... R. talked to me after all these years and one of the points he brought up was my blog and he said that he would read it. Now, you do not know R. but it seemed pretty strange to me that he would. I did not believe it - just because I could not believe that this could interest him.

You can only imagine the surprise on my face when he proved that he reads the blog by summing up my last post.


I generally know how many people read my posts but unless you do not uncover yourself by commenting or by telling me personally, I do not know who reads them. I have to say that I write firstly because I like it. It is cathartic and I also always write about (more or less) important issues which really matter to me. Either way, this doesn't mean that I do not appreciate when you read my posts - it is quite the opposite!


I am happy that you are so interested in my posts that you spend time reading them and I am even happier if my opinions and experiences can help you once in a while... Really, I am grateful for you and soooo happy every time you say that you read my blog!


R. was not the only person who brought my last post up this week. My friend P. also did and we discussed about a thing which I wrote. It was interesting - I am always open to constructive critics! No seriously, by the way, it was really funny!


So... this post had to fulfil two tasks:
The first was to keep my promise to R. - You see, I actually wrote about you. Who would have thought something like this a few years ago?! 

The second was to tell you all, how much I value when you read my posts. It is really important to me! That is why I love when you comment on my posts. I just love it to know who you are!

Thank you!


I wish you and us together a wonderful 2020 together!

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  • #1

    Santina (Samstag, 04 Januar 2020 16:15)

    So true, the part we actually never know who reads our posts if they don't tell us... Feeling the same way with my Instagram captions and always so happy when people tell me they read it or comment