
Work which does not feel like this

This week I have been a few days in Vienna. I went with my team as it was a my first ever business trip. I have got to know lots of new people as we met with the teams of other countries! It was funny and joyful and very beautiful.


It is impressive how spending time and having fun together can melt us together! But it like this! First, you get to know the others a lot better and second, also the things which happen become joint memories and... maybe insider jokes! (C. in this moment, I am snapping my fingers!). This happens as the quality of the time we spent together was different! Clear, it was a business trip and we worked but also here we shared the excitement when somebody of ours was presenting for instance! And then we had properly dinner altogether, we drank, we danced till in the night... we had fun! I am sure that you cannot do this in every team but in such a tight team as ours, you do AND you only become tighter! 


Then as I said, I got to know various new people! With many, I had written before and it was nice getting to know them in person. Sometimes people are exactly as you expect them to be and sometimes they are quite the opposite. The truth is that you cannot pretend to know someone by only write with them or calling them now and then - and don't get me wrong, this helps! But seeing someone's expression, the aura they emanate and also seeing how they deal with different situations, gives you another perspective... it is normal!


... And as you get to know new people, they get to know you. The weird thing here is that I actually was at work but I didn't feel like this a lot of the time - especially as I see many of my colleagues as friends! So - especially when dancing - we all were very easy and unconstrained. And yes, this is strange as the colleagues from other countries don't know you and could think that you are always like this, also if you are not!


If I want to talk about getting to know someone - also in this professional contest - I think the most important thing is to show different sides of yourself. Sooo... in my opinion, it is okay to dance it out and sing "Gloria" from the deepest of your throat as long as you are also able to show that you can be other than that and show that you got what it takes, too - consequently, as I lead a workshop and presented in front of about hundred people, I think that I did my job!


As you probably understood, I had fun! It was exciting and I have also learned a lot! I am very thankful that I had the opportunity of taking part to this business trip... other people in my position had not! Also, I am thankful that I was given room to show what I can! 
I cannot wait for the next business trip, I cannot wait to see the people I have met again, I cannot wait because it was a GREAT experience!

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