
Not a Corona beer

Sooooo... Breaking news: the Coronavirus COVID-19 has arrived. Not that much a news, hm? Till last week, I would have not thought that I would actually write about it as so many blasts are spread anyway. For the last few weeks I have been really cynical and distant to this whole issue but now something has changed also inside of me.


It came nearer. I listened to my friend F. who studies in the center of Italy and who does not know when she is going to see her parents living in Sicily again. You can imagine, she was not so happy about it. But I said to her: "Okay... but it is better to stem the virus in a zone and in the end, these are only a few weeks." It came nearer but it was not as near as it is now and it will come nearer every day,  I guess! 


At work events are being canceled, meetings cannot take place, lots of people who live in other countries have to do home office... from all these things none scared me really. In the end, these are only precautions which it is right to take!

My interior click was yesterday when the federal state government decided to let the schools close also here at ours. This makes everything more tangible - at least for me.


I would not say I am scared. Surely, I am not for myself. But I am for my dears. For my dears who are not so young anymore, for my dears who maybe are not in the best health conditions, for my dears who I have not seen in a long time... as anybody could or most probably is going to get it if we do not raise some consciousness about it.


It is about being mindful and thinking of the consequences, not only for us but also for our environment. I do not believe that it will possible to seal oneself from the outside world but taking the right precautions and be more mindful than normally could be a step in the right direction. Maybe not going to an event where you would find lots of people at close quarters but rather staying at home or visit two or three friends a time... Somewhere I read that also reducing the amount of people you normally have contact to, can be a lot.


I hope I did not stress too much with this article. I only wanted to raise some awareness if not for ourselves, for our beloved ones... as I myself, start only now to really feel some respect for the Coronavirus.

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