
Holding on my daily routine

Hello from my bedroom! Yes, this will be another blogpost as it is meant to be... a real (we)b-log entry.


Week 2 of social distancing/quarantine has passed by where I live and the first signs of psychosis are manifesting - ok, you got me! I am overly dramatic again! 
A few days ago, my brother and I looked in each other's face and suddenly began to laugh without any apparent cause. In general, I notice that most people to whom I speak obviously feel strange, maybe anxious or nervous... and yeah, I think it is perfectly normal in the current situation - probably, it would not be otherwise! But... although I am also confined home, I am doing fine in the whole. Why? I am trying as much as possible to maintain my routine.

I know that this will not be possible for everyone of you! Especially not for whom used to go out in different places meeting lots of people every single day! But I will simply tell you, what I do, okay?


First things first, I did not change my alarm clock. It is set at the same time as always. In the morning I do my exercises, get ready as always (yes, I do not work in my loungewear - but I wear it on weekends!), sometimes I also post some mirror selfies as usual on WhatsApp, drink my two glasses of water and then I start my (home) office day. I have to be honest; we have quite something to do these days, organising and implementing a crisis-plan. The connection is not always the best and at least I cannot do everything that I know I could do in the office in the same amount of time, but here we are...

Sooo, when my day in the office is over I normally drive home and eat immediately. Nowadays, I maybe watch an episode of friends, read a chapter of a book, do some exercise (yes, again) - and then I eat normally and let my day end peacefully, maybe with a FaceTime call in between.


Last night, e.g. I used some of the extra time for a pampering beauty session. I put some cocoa face mask on and I also painted my toenails red (fun fact: I rarely paint my hand nails but I cannot see my toenails without polish!) and lastly I meditated a bit in bed - relax!


For me, holding on my routine just works. I do not know how it is for the others and I do not pretend saying that if you structure your day like this, you will be fine! But if you are struggling right now, maybe you could try...
Take care... and stay home!

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