
Detach and be nice!

It is easy to be good, nice and kind when everything is fine as your acts reflect your mood. The difficult is being good, nice and kind when you are under pressure, stressed, maybe frustrated or angry or sad.

But guess what? It is your decision to be on the bright side.


I am not saying that it is easy or that I am always perfect - for Heaven's sake, I'm not! It is that I have been on both sides: I have been the one who is been almost yelled at for having posed a question in the wrong moment and the one that maybe under confusion and at increased pulse rate begins to speak louder and fast. But you know what? Also in these moments, you can realise that your counterpart does not have anything to do with your state of mind. So it is fair to at least tell them something like: "Excuse me, I am agitated. It has nothing to do with you and please do not take my tone of voice personally." 


Taking a moment to reflect, also maybe after (before is obviously better!) you have reacted in a not so much nice way, gives also you the possibility to detach from the mindset you are in. From that moment on, you can switch easier as you get that this one is letting behave you in a manner that you do not like. As apologising to your contact, you realise and take consciousness of your way of behaving.  


In such moments, of course you could stay in you mood and maybe use the other person as someone to take it out on but what if you are the one who is been screamed upon without any reason? Not so nice, right?


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