
Call me on my cell phone

People would say that I talk a lot... I mean, I opened a blog a while ago and since then I have been posting every week articles which are at least 300 words each; so it seems like I have much to say, doesn't it?


Maybe you would assume that I also phone a lot? Mhm... It is not that simple. 

If you know me, you would know that I am not a fan of generalising. There are people with which I could stay at the phone talking for hours and hours... also if I have seen them for the whole day. And then there are people - who I also care about and love - with whom I feel embarrassed talking on the phone.


Let's differentiate a bit: The first ones are the people with whom I am constantly in contact. These know about my daily life and the details in it. And these are what our calls are about. The details which make up the day. The reasons why I feel good or less good. And so the other way round! 

The second ones are the ones with whom I may not be always in touch but who I nevertheless want to hear once in a while - if I would not want to hear their voices, I would not call them in the first place! But due to the fact that we do not know the particulars a real dialog is - at least for me - more difficult and I end up to talk about the surface of situations.


Probably, I am not referring to anything really abstruse for many of you. But I have thought about it and I want to take measurements to change my handlings. Why? Because our lives are made of details! And for everyone the details are important. So if I care about someone, I should care about their details! And I tell you something: it is easier for someone to open up if you open up with them.

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