

I do not know if to every situation or problem there really is a solution and I do not have the presumption to tell you it is like this.

But there is a but to me.


Maybe you have noticed that I always try to look for the best out of every situation - even if it this means that you have to shout or maybe cry to release some accumulated stress... in the end, you will feel better! It just is the way I am, I use Arisol Bright as a nickname, so if I would not spread out some positivity, then what?


This does not means that I do not wonder or think about how to solve some issues. I would describe myself as an organised person - at least in some areas of my life! And what I surely do not like is to feel unprepared. So I try to figure out what to do, I talk with people who may give me a piece of advise and I rationalise...


This "process", so to say, does not always give me THE solution... also because as we all learn in our lives, there are plenty of streets which lead to Rome and so plenty of ways to get to your aim or at least to compromise and take you further!


And what if I really do not know any further? Well, in that case... which is the last option for me, really the last, I try to surrender and take what it comes for what it will come.

I am not one who gives up, who knows me, know, how much effort I put into the things which are important to me and... I can also be a bit stubborn sometimes so... but with time I have learned that there are some things that I alone cannot change, so hoping for the best and having faith is the last thing I do... and eventually the issue will solve itself as it had appeared in the first place!

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