
My teen inspiration

I know, it might be an intimate question, but what did you aspire to do as a kid or teen? Who did you aspire to be like?

For me there was a song - which I will not tell you as my music is only mine - which I identified with Z. ... and actually I ended up wanting to be as I saw her.


Another IDOL, in the truest sense of the word for a 12 years old, was  Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl. As F. would say: "We dreamt of a life as in Gossip Girl."... well, maybe without all the mischievous drama... But regarding the locations, the long-lasting friendships, the interesting characters, their wardrobes (!) - who would have not wanted all of it?

Now, why Blair Waldorf? Because she embodies the young woman who knows what she wants, who demonstrates to be hard on the outside but really is the sweetest and finally - working for it - gets her dream life full of achievements!

That's why I still love her character after all these years...

That's a picture of me in Florence which was took without me noticing, in which I am carrying plenty of shopping bags and it reminds a bit of Blair on the bridge in Paris... M. says that I have always visualise myself like her.


Maybe that's the point! Seeing yourself as you want to be. Imagine yourself in all the situations you wish and work for it to achieve them.

I know, that I am not saying anything new this time, but I am telling you that I had this idol who inspired me and told that this kind of dream existed. 


Of course, you always take only what you want as inspiration and not everything. 

But it is enough and then... work for it!

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