
Do I want to be perfect?

"Look at you! You are perfect!" T. said this sentence to me last Friday night (and no, it was not like in Katy Perry's song). In either case, I can assure you that it is extrapolated from the contest - that's true...

But I wanted to pick it up to tell you a bit from me.

I know that I am not perfect - in no aspect. Well, who is? And furthermore, what does it mean to be perfect?


What I want to be is kind, funny, lovely, sweet and bright! 

Sometimes I am not to everybody, that is right - as I said, I am not perfect, so I have my days, too - but in most cases, I am, no worries!

Surely, presupposed that I feel comfortable and confident in the situation, I am an open person. I am the one who will try to put you at ease, ask you out to know you better and involve you in the setup.


I do not hide that it has happened to be misunderstood. Sometimes because I seem too curious and sometimes because with me being so cheerful, people have thought that I was flirty. Said with F.'s words who knows me since I was 8: "You do not really flirt. You are like this. Otherwise, you would be flirting the whole time with guys and girls!"


Another thing which happens, as I am so direct and as some people say "an open book" or "without any filter" is that I might result inappropriate. I simply say and do what I think, sometimes without thinking too much... and being a bit embrarassed afterwards. Maybe I could work on this side of my character...


If you would ask me, if I want to be perfect, I think, I would say no. I want to always improve myself - that's for sure! But simultaneously I believe that the little "flaws" I have, make me unique and who I am. 


PS: T., of course, nonetheless I was happy about your compliment - thank you!

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