
My flamingos

Today is another day in which I want to switch language. Why? Because I wanna talk to you about my flamingos! My flamingo girls!
Actually, on the photo above, there are two missing, but this is the most recent photo of us - it was last night!

You have to know that I have known these girls since 2004 and they really are my best friends! Unfortunately, we have lived separated for many years now. Despite that we have and - I am sure!-forever will have this connection, this bond!

So, how did we know each other? We went to school together for two years in Sicily… Well, three and then two of us for many more years! 

On the photo shown, there is the core of the flamingos. There’s me then Miriam, Flavia and Flora. And then there are Paola aka Mamma Paola who is Flavia‘s sister and Alice who is Miriam‘s sister. Ilove them all!

Talking to a new boyfriend in the group, Flavia once said that Flora and I are like the diverse queens because we really are as different as one can be and still have that extravagant and maybe alittle bit more leader attitude and then there are Miriam and Flavia who are the calmer ones from which nonetheless you have to “Duna accura!” (Be beware of!) as Flora would say!

Yesterday I shared big news with them and Flavia said, she had gotten goosebumps… A few minutes later, she shared the news and I got goosebumps for her! I love how we get excited and feel with eachother! Always have!

Also our moms are very particular about us! Each time when they see us after a long time altogether, they all get tears in their eyes and say they remember how we were when we were eight years old…well, it has been a lifetime! 

I am so fortunate to have them and I am so looking forward to this evening, partying together - There will be the one who will always take care for us, the one who will always drink too much, the one who will always be tired to soon and and and!

How Flora would say: “We are five girls and an Arianna”!

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