
I want it all - I persist and resist

Do you remember the song "I want it all" from High School Musical 3? Well, it happens that I am the one who wants it all! I was around 12 when then movie first came out, maybe it affected my character a bit or apart from that it is simply my ambitious Leo personality!


I am not someone who settles down for nothing. Of course, I compromise from time to time, although only if and when I see a longterm profit for my goals. E.g. I could not expect to become a manager right after ending business school but I knew that my work would payoff and let me grow anyway!


Anyway, as I am a very altruistic person as I say, who preaches good and prays bad sometimes, it happens that I forget that I have to compromise to reach my goals... perhaps because it takes longer than expected, perhaps because I do not want to wait in primis. In a talk with my Flamingos this week, P. told me this Italian maxim/quote which I did not know: "Se insisti e resisti, raggiungi e conquisti!" which means: "If you persist and resist, you will achieve and conquer!" 

You know what? I love it! Because especially in my case, where it happens that I want everything right away, it firstly reminds me of being patient - till now not really one of my best skills! - and that the aim is already there whether I work constantly for it!


I think that if it is worth it, investing your resources in an objective will payoff as you will finally get what you want. How do you know if it is really worth it? Well... how much do you really want to reach your goal? Is it just a transient desire or has this goal been set on your list for a long time? That is what makes a difference in my opinion as the more you wished for something, the more you will appreciate it!


Another point in which I finally believe and that I often forget is that everything happens for a reason and it helps you in a precise moment in your life. That is actually my experience! So in fact, I should not want everything right away, I know... I am learning, teaching and training myself to more patience. Because as M. once said "We eventually got time!" 

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