
Abundance is a mindset


What is abundance to you?

I think that I discovered for myself that abundance is everything and everywhere and that it is about the mindset I am in - I have to be conscious about it!

Too abstract? Well, let's see if I can involve you more in my thoughts.


I will start with an example: A few days ago, I wrote a message on my WhatsApp Status (yes, it's true - sometimes I still use it, shame on me!) and wished that everybody may be blessed! 

There have been people who said to me: "I do not know who to bless. Also at work... especially when everybody is stressed out and maybe not in the most cheerful mood, I do not feel like blessing them!" 

And I believe that that is the moment when people need to blessed the most. If someone blesses you, they wish you all the best: luck, love, success and everything!... And in my opinion if you have all those things, you really cannot appreciate them!

And connecting to my intro, the point is that most of us have something to be happy about (also an unexpected blessing), to cherish and this lifts automatically the mood which makes your everyday life so much better!


I will now tell you a friend's latest developments: although she is a very vital and bright personality, in the past - as everyone, I believe - she has gotten caught up in doubts, how her future will look like.

After having listened to me, telling her about believing in the force of positive thinking and what you can achieve when you trust that "What you ask, you may receive.", she started changing her mindset. Now I get wonderful voicemails on a daily basis of the wishes she has that are coming true. And I am sooo happy and also proud of her!


One thing she said to me a few weeks ago, was that she did not see herself staying in the city, she wanted as her sister also did not.

My answer was direct: "I also do not know anybody personally who had ever went to a Fashion Week before, but I went!"

It is possible! Also if a though might be strange, "absurd" or maybe harder to achieve, it does not mean that it is unfeasible!

The important is knowing what you want.


Ripening my thoughts, I also thought about "Well, if I get that, then another person who also wanted that, will not!" And that is a scarcity mindset... In truth, not everybody wants the same things and not everybody has the same priorities as we are all different! It is true: most of my friends would have liked to sit in the rows with me at the runway show, but I know for sure that they have other kind of priorities and dreams which they want to achieve!


Sooo, I see that there is enough room (abundance) for my priorities and dreams to develop like a butterfly... I have already made a new wish!

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