
Understand me

There are people who are not interested in what others think about them, independently from which case. They do them, are unapologetical and happy with it.

Sure, in some cases and depending on the person I have in front of me, I also can act like this - especially, when the discussed person and me have little or nothing in common and do not have to have whatever kind of relationship but... if that is not the case, then I want my interlocutor to know and try to understand me.


Many people in my life have told me that I take some comments or maybe even only voice tones too personal - and some also that I should learn to not take things so personal... Well, I know that they are saying it for me because they do not want me to feel bad or even ruminate about it. What I think is that it is a good part of my character. For me, it means that I care, that I reflect things over and that I question (also) myself!... Which finally should take to improve myself, shouldn't it?


Either case, to let whoever is on front of me know me, complete transparency is the most important: Being who I am, laughing also if it is not the most appropriate timing; being caring, also if maybe it is too much for the other one; being loud and "overly confident" (M. this is for you!) as I really am a bright person... Well, I can also be the shy person who stands on her own but it is not really everyday life - everybody has their days!


Why do I behave like that? Why do I write posts every week exposing me? Why do I show off myself in a precise way?

Because I want to be understood! Because I want to explain myself! Because I want to be perceived as I see me!

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