
Spread energy

Let it be a cognitive bias, either way, sometimes I believe that when I think and talk about a thing, it happens that I hear about that specific thing more intensily than usually.

Is it only a cognitive bias? Maybe... but have you heard the collective intelligence, bees have... or the groupthinking of birds which fly all in the same direction... or inventors who get the same idea suddenly - e.g. in a very simplified modus: Meucci vs. Graham Bell.


Coincidences? Well, perhaps you know how little I believe in coincidences now - so, no! This is not my explanation. 

It is the perfect timing! Like this week, when my mate P. and I had an appointment at the exact same time regarding the same issue and did not know about it until a few hours before! "Divine timing", he would say! And yes. This explanation is the one I prefer to "a bare coincidence".


It is like when you think of a person and this person calls you then - hasn't it happened to you at least one time in your life? In my opinion, it is the same process or at least the same principle as stated at the beginning. I do not know if this thought you have is like an energy which you forward to others and finally, many people start talking about this thing or having this idea...


I cannot be sure that my opinions are right - that is obvious. Be that as it may, as our thoughts are energy, it is possible that we spread them, as we spread heat from our body, isn't it? 

Does it occur all the time? No, of course not - otherwise, we would all be inventors, writers and creators. But it often happens with people, we are similar, maybe with whom we think alike or with ones who have a similar vision. Interesting, isn't it?

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