
How do you relief stress?

It has been two weeks now. Earache. A week of Ibuflam 400 three times a day did not help, ear drops did not help. After more than a week I get an appointment at the ENT-doctor: It does not seem that it came from the ear itself...
Explanation? Misalignment of the jawbone - most probably due to teeth grinding (S. this is how you say it in English!) which is caused by stress!


The day before I went to the doctor, the pain was so bad that even talking or laughing a bit hurt - not to mention when I had to sneeze!

Is it better now? Well... it is slightly better, yes. In the last two days before going to the doctor, my jaw was completely blocked and not moving it further, it blocked even more! So relaxing it, trying to move it and a higher doses of Ibu, definitely helped!


By the way, I eventually noticed the teeth grinding in the mornings after... and having located the pain, the diagnosis made makes absolutely sense!

Does stress really that much? I once heard that teeth grinding is a typical 1st world phenomenon. I do not believe that people in developing countries have less stress, to be honest... M. said that they somatise it differently - maybe? Who knows?


So... what will I do to get rid of this pain - which diminished but still is there...?

I have to relief stress and switch off - this for certain! I guess, I will go for a walk, maybe jog as the sun is shining wonderfully, I have a new book which I am reading, I usually love singing - perhaps I will get out my rose gold bluetooth microphone! Then a bubble bath and some candles...


Regarding candles: I will surely buy some ear candles. Yeah, you read right! S. advised me to them. Earcandling is an Indian Well-Being ritual which relaxes and should fill you up with energy.

I am happy that I shared my story with S. so that she could reveal me her secret!
"If you do not talk about it, nobody can help you.", were her words. Thank you, dear!

Maybe you like to share your secrets for stress relief in the comments, too? I am sure, I am not the only one stressed around here!

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