
Feels like home

What feels like home to you? Is it a place, a smell, a sound or maybe all of the above plus other stuff?

For me, it is definitely the last one! And yes, also a place - I am sorry but there is no place like home. 


I have moved three times in my life and one time is was harder than then the other two. Why? Because it was a completely new area for me and in the beginning, I really was not accustomed to it. It took me a while, although I have to say that I was 12 years old and maybe that was not the simplest age either way.


So... having the place set, another important thing to me is that the interior reflects what I like. Am I materialistic? I would not put it on this level as if I am surrounded by what I like and love, I am also happier and happiness is a mental state, isn't it? Beside that, I have learned that I prefer having less around at home. It makes everything clearer, more relaxed and... it is easier to clean in the whole!


I also like my home to smell like perfume rather than food. I do not know if this is usual - I guess, in my case it could depend on the fact that we rarely cooked at home... And for the sound, I do not like it too quiet - a podcast or my fave music is always welcome - neither too loud (pretty obvious isn't it?)


Lastly... well, as stated various times, I love to be surrounded by my beloved ones! By the people who give me the right vibes and with whom I can enjoy myself also in front of a cup of coffee. 


Pretty easy, ain't I? What feels like home to you?

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