
I thought I would have gotten away with it

Hellou everyone! I hope, you are all good! 

This week, I would have told you from my passed days in Vienna. I should have been four days there with my colleagues to discuss the strategy of new year and making ourselves some nice evenings in the pre-Christmas period. As you can tell from the tense chosen, it did not go as imagined.


On Sunday, on 9:30 am, I had my train to the airport - the only problem? I woke up with fever and regardless of what you might have, flying with fever is not a good idea due to the pressure on the head! So... I had to cancel my departure.

Perhaps you can already guess what I got - the famous virus which intermittently has been controlling our lives for almost two years now caught me!

After my relatives, friends and colleagues all got it, I really thought I was immune - I had even a blood test made (although it was months ago now) which showed the huge quantity of antibodies I had! But well... 

As H. said, I am the living proof that Coronavirus still exists!



In the last post, I published - and yes, it was in German - I told you how I had been not in the best of the moods lately. I would not say that I have been particularly stressed out, actually the opposite: Usually, you can push me and will go over my limit but recently, I could not really stress out - something hindered me. And now this.


Do you know what they say? That if you do not stop, your body will do anyways on your behalf. The more medical point of view is that if you are exhausted your immune system is weak enough to let the enemy in... and perhaps - or most probably - this is what happened to me.

So, what can I tell you? Do not pass the lines. Learn to know your limits!

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