
Now it is officially Christmas time!

Yesterday, 5 pm - knocking off time... aaand let the Christmas holidays begin!

Do you know which my first words were? "Now it is officially Christmas time!" Which is strange because the Christmas period began 3 weeks ago and in this time I have worn my Norwegian jumper, put up the tree, eaten panettone, we had snow... and still I had not felt the real full Christmas energy around!


What is kind of strange is that lots of other people to whom I have spoken said the same! They also are coming very late in the Christmas spirit this year and no-one can explain why. Probably, the point was that most of the people I have talked to are at least busy as much as I was during this time and when you are so focused on what you have to do, you do not realise what surrounds you - you simply do not have the time to! You are not present in the moment and therefore you do not notice  - or better perceive - all the vibes which are around you!


So... the plan for the next two weeks is to relax? Well, surely is to pay more attention and being more present in the moment - also if this coming week, I have some appointments to attend; if you work the whole day, you easily shift them on your free time!

Buuut! The first thing, I want to do this morning after finishing writing this article for instance is to go in the living room, light up the Christmas tree and simply keep watching it, listening to Christmas music with a cup of coffee in the hand. I want to think back to the past week: the meetings and projects I accomplished to finish on time, the people I met and saw off, the big Christmas party where I laughed a lot and felt very spoiled from different persons!


In the end, what do you do in the Christmas period? Taking time for yourself and your beloved ones, making space for love, joy and happiness more than ever in the year!

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