
A magical start

More than a half of the first month has gone by and we, or better I, surely had the kick-off!

Mine was an ensemble of fashion and events - just as in my favourite vision series, Gossip Girl: As already told in my last blog post I went to the Berlin Fashion Week!

I know the light is terrible in this picture but I love logo walls in front of which taking pictures!


As maybe you can see from the names on the wall, Authentic Beauty Concept was a sponsor, so in the end it was a work event for me. Our wonderful hair stylists crew cured the hair looks of the models for four consecutive runway shows: Rebekka RuetzMarcel Ostertag, Kilian Kerner and Danny Reinke.

Let me present you some of my favourite looks!

Yes, you understood well: I participated to four runway shows of the Berlin Fashion Week!

Sparkles and sequins, structured shoulders, as well as sculptural designs which recall the arts themselves emphasised by sleek and yet natural hair styles... it was a dream to me!


So... what was my task, you might ask yourself? With my Social Media Partner of the day, Fatih ErbayI streamed live from the runway for Authentic Beauty Concept and captured the looks created by the designers as well as by our hair artists.

It sounds like a piece of cake but nevertheless I was already on my high heels on 7 am, was on my feet the whole day and finished working after 12 hours - and no, I am not complaining for nothing in the world, I only want to put everything in perspective.


I really love my job and I am so fortunate to be allowed to participate in such events and I cannot wait for the next runway show to arrive! It is magical!!!

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