
Goodbye 2023. Welcome 2024!

Another year is passing by... or, well, till tonight it will have passed by.

I hope, you all had a great year, full of joy, nice moments to which you will look back.


Every year, every day is made of more or less beautiful experiences, tough times which require you to be strong. Maybe you may have done some "mistakes" which led you where you are today. Maybe you have to thank those mistakes for where you are today!

My year - as probably most of yours, too - has been a rollercoaster, I would say. But as C. always says: "Nobody queues for a flat rollercoaster!" So, good like that!

I have done things which I really would not have thought till also a few months ago; I went from being unhappy in some areas to being enthusiastic about them months later; I met people, I lost people, I met people again - and I am soooo grateful for every single one!


In the beginning of every year for the past 3 years, I have put up a vision board and for 2023, I had decided to put it also as my iPhone background so that I would see it every day. May I say? Lots of my "resolutions" from different areas worked out! Crazy stuff, isn't it?! But as I know - and I had a stable proof only two days ago - dreams really do come true. 

Now I have to think about my 2024 vision board. I have already downloaded a few pictures from Pinterest and it can only get good, no, it can only get wonderful - really! Full of wonders!


For how this year is ending, I am really really excited to see what 2024 will bring us. Of course, it may seem like a lot of events cannot directly be influenced by us. But what I have learned in the last years is to let a little bit of space open for "magic" to happen. And no, believe me - I am not too naive.

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