
Which filter is on?

Did you know that we all live our lives filtering some information from the other world? I guess so. Either way, sometimes it is good to check out which filters you have set for you in that right moment.


I guess you can relate, that when you buy e.g. a new car, you are more likely to see this car brand all over; that when you like someone, you hear their name much more often; when you book a vacation, everybody speaks of that location. 

If you know me - or you have read some of my scripts -, you may know that I do not believe in coincidences. I often say: “One may be a coincidence, two perhaps maybe but three surely are not to me.” And here I myself should differentiate…


The differentiation of which I am speaking, is about the facts and the things, we perceive in an accentuated way.

For example: two weeks ago, I was talking to a friend stating about the moon steering all waters on earth, creating ebbs and flows but also steering ourselves as we consist of 75% of water, too. A few days later, I watched “Hit Man” and the protagonist had this exact same conversation. “Actually strange!”, I thought… but in the end, it was my filter which was set on what I experienced a few days earlier. Of course, it was a coincidence that I had had the same topic with my friend but was it so strange though? In that moment, it felt so...


Talking to my psychologist-friend M., she told my that probably, this coincidence felt heavier due to the focus I had in that moment, due to the filter I had set. In the end, I had the conversation in a - for me - important discussion and it related to an incident which was also full of emotions. But what is more important and what I want to pass through to you is that she make me realise that when we understand that we have set some specific filters, we can adjust them: like with the focus we have, we can decide to shift them to some other stuff if they are burdening.


To be completely honest, I still have not figured out how to truly shift them. Either way, I am trying - always bright as the sun!

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