
Just for F.

You know what? I could have posted this last week but I had to write this column in English, so I postponed it to today.

For me it is extremely important that the people to whom this blogpost is referred to are able to read it, too.

So... let's begin.


As for every vacation, one feels excitement preparing herself for the journey, then one feels joy living the most beautiful moments and finally he remembers the newly created memories with a smile on the face.

As said yet, this typically happens when you are about to travel but today I want to tell especially about my trip to Perugia.

This characteristical panorama makes this university town up.

I am specifying that it is a university town as the reason why I came to it is not the Umbria Jazz festival or Eurochocolate exhibition but that one of my dearest and oldest friends got her bachelor's degree and not only me but also other two other friends of ours came from different regions of Italy just to celebrate Flavi!

We have known each other for fourteen years now, have moved to various places but our friendship is still intact! 


We have planned this trip for months and as often when it is like this, the time together has been just too short in the end.

I actually remained the longest in comparison to Miriam and Flora: from Wednesday to Saturday. I traveled in train for eleven hours to get there, standing up at 4 o'clock but it was all so worth it!!!


Just arrived, Flavi, Paola and their mom came to pick me up. It was a so very emotional moment for us! Their mom even began to cry when she saw us together. 


For not sleeping alone, Paola stayed at the B&B with me every of the three nights. Oh, yes! She is also soo sweet! Kindness is everything.

After taking a shower, the girls showed me some places of the city center. Stands for the upcoming Eurochocolate were built up. How much fortune did we have?

This should be a wonderful picture. One in which you can see the night lights of the city in all there magic. Yes, it should. Unfortunately, the view that you got to see is not a fraction of what we really did. What a pity!

And by the way, Perugia really is picturesque!

The proclamation day

You could smell the excitement from everywhere and still not everyone was there! The proclamation was at 1 o' clock and Miriam and Flora came just in time! 

We walked across the center for about 20 to 30 minutes under the sun - there were like 25 degrees in the middle of October! - and finally got to the faculty where our lovely Flavi was proclamated Bachelor of Science in Biology.

In Italy, when students get their bachelor's degree, they wear a laurel wreath the whole day. It is all so great and festive! I really liked it!

Look at us! We just could not wait to get out of the building to take a picture! We all are simply so so proud of our little Flavia!

When we arrived outside, the whole crew was already shouting and clapping for Flavia and one of the funniest, most joyful moments was surely when we took the flowers from her, while the guys grabbed and threw her about three times in the air! We all were so excited for her!


In the afternoon, we girls spent time in Flavia's room just relaxing, playing the guitar and singing. Just simple, but yet quality time! In addition, we had to prepare the voice for the night to come!

The graduation party

Not only the voice had to be prepared. We changed outfits and prepared ourselves for the party. The setting has been the "Caffè Desìo": A location with karaoke bar at the ground floor and a private hall with the buffet at the upper floor! Really snazzy but sooo much fun!

After the "Queen of Desìo" - that is how Flavi in person defines herself - took the microphone, nobody could take it back from her! It was a joy seeing her so happy! But actually, we all were so cheerful and sang and sang and sang! I have even lost my voice singing/screaming!


We were about 70 persons and of course I could not come in touch with every of them but I did with Flavi's most intimate friends! They are all so kind, nice and warm-hearted. I think that it is almost normal that I - and also the girls who did not know Flavia's friends before - became actual friends with them; Flavia and Paola laughed about it! Well, maybe it is a bit of a funny thought!


We had a very amusing time! 

To go back to the B&B, we went in group, climbing Perugia's thousands of stairs! Oh yeah! That is how one can skip the gym! The city was silent, but we continued singing our songs in the middle of streets! This bit of craziness is what makes the memories so unique, isn't it?


We five slept all together in a room... well, you cannot define three hours laying in the bed as sardines in a can as sleep but also these are the things which will remain!

The begin of Eurochocolate

For the Natives the annual international chocolate exhibition, clearly is nothing special and someone also said that it is rather annoying because it is the same every year but for a "stranger" who obviously loves chocolate and sees this for the first time, it surely is worth seeing!

Dozens of chocolate firms presenting their products: From Lindt to Loacker, through Nutella, Pernigotti and naturally Perugina - we were in Perugia! 

By the way, I highly recommend you to eat some Baci, if you are in Italy! The really sweetest pralines: in literal and figurative sense!

I strolled through these stands with my "Perugian" friends for hours! In a group of four we tested out the new pink Bacio - for your information: it is a little bit sweeter and more buttery than the normal one. But what seemed most strange to me, was finding Baci pralines almost in every kind of shop: You could see them in jewelry stores as well as in fashion stores! Look at this!

These were just the highlights of the beautiful days spent together.

As you can see from the pictures, we were blessed with wonderful sunny and quite warm weather! Everything was just perfect!

I have loved being in Perugia those days! Surely, we formed some new wonderful memories: We celebrated our beloved Flavi and had so much fun! I think that we will never forget these days and I really am so grateful to have you girls in my life!

The only thing is that now I would like to hurry back to Perugia to you!
I just cannot wait to see and hug you again!


Lastly, I would like to leave you with a quote after all:
"A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles." - Tim Cahill

Mr. Cahill, I totally agree with you!

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Pipo (Samstag, 27 Oktober 2018 20:50)

    Nice story:)