

What does it mean to be consistent? For me, it firstly means to have clear in mind what you want to reach out and try to be specific.


I can be consistent in my goals by pursuing different ways as many ways can lead to the same result. For instance, think about something as banal as losing weight: some people eat less, some people burn more calories and some other people fall back to cosmetic surgery.

The point is that in every of those scenarios the acting person knew for sure what she wanted.

Of course, being consistent doesn't only mean to know what you want, but continuing with your project even when you get some results and even if after a certain amount of time you do not get any. 


I am not a fan of quitting. I admit that I might be slow in committing myself to do something, yes, that's true. But if I have committed to something, I am not the type of person who quits - maybe that is also the reason why I am slow in deciding and committing.

I do not like to quit because I always think that first, you never know what comes next. The next step may be the one which directly leads you to your goal and you will never know if you quit. Second, - which is partly connected to the first argument- because if you quit you can be sure by hundred percent that you won't get the result you aimed for.


The second step is being consistent not only in your actions but also in time. This means, after having reached some succeed, continuing working forward to a new more intensive level of your goal. Every step is a milestone and every milestone is a - also little - triumph. Maybe it will take time but look at the snail; slowly it gains ground, too.


I know, this isn't the first time that I am writing about pursuing goals but this week I was directly confronted with consistency. I got compliments on the fact that I have posted every single week since I have opened this blog. I had not thought about it before. I have simply committed to write a post every week and for me it is normal to do this. Nevertheless, I was very happy that my work was appreciated.

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