
Do it - no regrets

The real inspiration for this post came up this morning, when on LinkedIn I read a quote from the businessman Richard Branson. He once said: "If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you're not sure you can do it, say yes - then learn how to do it later."

Easily said, he advise us to take the chance right away.


Personally, I think that nobody likes having regrets. 

For me having regrets means not only feeling sad for something that you have done wrong, but moreover feeling sad for something that you have not done at all.

Maybe the second is worse.

Why? I think that the feeling of having done wrong can be pretty bad, but the feeling of having lost a chance? It lets something like a hole in your chest, doesn't it?


Carrie Fisher once said: "Be afraid, but do it anyway. What's important is the action. You don't have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow."

Last year I stumbled upon this quote and I have loved it ever since. It says that you should not let any situation uncompleted, just because you are scared. The actions you take, represent who you are and I do not want to be a scared person.

Besides of this, it is true that training yourself to do something that scares you, really makes you more confident because you learn to overcome difficult situations. 


The future begins now if you take the chance. If you don't, in a few years you will live with this sense which says: "What if...?" 

After all, whether you have read my posts, you will know that I am a person who believes in the destiny but not only. That believes that some things which happen in your life must happen but that you also have the power and influence to make important decisions which can shift your situation.


I don't want to have regrets anymore.

What about you?


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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Pipo (Sonntag, 25 November 2018 06:43)

    What about language school?:)