
Connecting through Emotions, part II

Last year on this week I presented my bachelor's thesis with the title "Connecting through Emotions". The topic was about emotions and branding and how brands trigger people's emotions to install a bond between them and the actual product.

It was a very interesting issue which showed that emotions are the responsible ones for genuine and deep connections.


Connections. Being connected, linked to each other. What does this mean and how does this happen? I hazard to say that there are different ways to feel connected to each other, so as probably there also are different levels of connections, too. It depends on the relationship you have with that specific person. Is he or she your family member? Is he or she one of your closest friends? Are you often in contact with this person? If you answered yes to these three questions, I think that you may have a strong connection to this person.


Why? Maybe because there are situations which have tied you together. Situations which may have triggered emotions? If it is so, you are connected through emotions... just like my bachelor's thesis explained that happens for connections with some brands. The point is that emotions are difficult to control. You may control your reaction but not the emotions beyond. Nonetheless, once the emotions are set free, the bond seems to be installed due to the situation, the two of you shared and that is what makes the bond having two extremities. Both of you are involved.


Sooo... how do feel the connection? Easily said, you feel close to that specific person, don't you? But sometimes it is more that the only feeling. There may be actual proofs for these personal connections. For example, when you and your best friend know exactly what the other is thinking, just by watching her in the eyes or when you end the other's sentence. Well, personally, these moments - which sometimes can be reaaaally strange - do not only show me that the connection exists but they also let me feel even more connected to that one person... And in total honesty, it may be a mind-blowing feeling to end each other's sentences but it is a wonderful feeling, too. 


So, I have said that the connection is built up with time, situations and emotions. Now I have one last question to answer. What happens when you experience something like a break? I have lived for years apart from my best friends; the ones in Italy as well as my best friend here in Germany and it happened many times that we did not listen from one another in months! But you know what? (If, you have experienced such friendships, you may know!) When we had contact again, everything was as always. I have only one answer to this phenomenon: We have the closest and deepest connection.


After trying to answer the questions above, I now have a question for you.

Do you think that the connection between two people stands the test of time automatically or that it needs to be reinstalled? So linking to my last paragraph, what do you think? Do we install the connection again each time with my friends or is it there even if we don't "use" it?
I look forward to read your opinions! 

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  • #1

    Pipo_from_the_sunny_side_of_the_world (Sonntag, 09 Dezember 2018 02:32)

    Hey there,

    Thanks you for sharing your thoughts openly. Regarding the question you posed:

    Any relationship that we have is forged through investment and shared commonalities. Relationship requires communication (verbal or non-verbal) and communication is always intentional. Thus, relationships can start by chance but they are not nourished and certainly do not flourish by chance. Thus, to maintain anything - including relationship- needs a consistent effort of the involved parties.