
Santa Clause is Coming To Town

When does Christmas time begin for you?
Each year my Christmas time begins when we decorate our tree. It has a kind of magic which brings the Christmas spirit all together.

You know, I can listen to all Bublé music, I wish, see the decorations on the streets and walk through the little stands of the regional Christmas markets drinking a hot mug of mulled wine but in the end, to me Christmas really begins when I pull out all Christmas decorations and decorate the apartment.

It just brings me in a festive mood to decorate myself the place in which I wake up every morning. I mean, look at all the golden glitters. They really brighten up the room by reflecting the light.


But let us begin from the actual beginning, it means last Saturday when my Christmas preparation began. In the morning, I went for the Christmas tree  - it has to be a real tree, I don't like plastic! - and also bought the first gift for my best friend (which I can't reveal because she wants to wait until the Christmas Eve to open it!), eventually in the evening, I went at the local Christmas market with some friends.

I kind of love the little ones: the smells, the atmosphere, the music and the joyfulness around the stands which with their products may give you an idea of what to gift for Christmas.

I know, I know what you are thinking by looking at this pic. "Arisol, how bad is the quality of this picture?!" Well, the picture might actually be of bad quality, but time with my friends always is of quality!

Soooo... J. invited us to a drink and while he and me took a mulled wine, A. drank a children's punch. I must say, probably I should have taken a children's punch, too. Like it so much! The smell reminded me of my childhood. With our cups, we strolled through the market and enjoyed the starred sky.

It was only on Sunday that my Mom and I set the Christmas tree up!

The first thing I did in the morning - even before breakfast - was turning on the television and putting it on ProSieben because it was Disney Day and I am kind of obsessed with the Disney Classics! So we set the tree up while "Tangled" and "The Little Mermaid" ran. But I actually didn't listen to a word becaaaaause - guess what! - Michael Bublé music had to be! From "Santa Clause is Coming to Town", to "Jingle Bells", through "Feliz Navidad" - song which is a real cliché - aaaand I sang everything along... for my Mom's joy!

Of course, the first "decoration" we put up, were the lights and it was while I pinched the first ones to the branches that I thought "Now, it finally is Christmas time!"

I don't know if you have realised this, but yes, I dressed accordingly to Christmas with a jumper in Norwegian style and snuggly slippers... and the next day I wore an even more festive accessory, too! What can I say? It brings me in the right mood!

I love the Christmas tree to have the classic colours: red and gold! These are the Christmas colours to me, you know? That is why, we use kind of similar decorations every year. Well, not really similar... Mostly, they really are the same! My Mom still treasures decorations which my brother and I made in school during the Arts class. By the way, I also have some decorations which my friends gifted me through the course of the years and every time I look at these, I must think of them. That is why, I think that a Christmas tree decoration is a very nice gift for Christmas!

This sort of Christmas baubles is the new one this year! Full of glitter on the inside and yet simple and chic!

Christmas decoration by Christmas decoration, we got to a point which was worth photographing. As you can see, also on the second day I went for my festive Norwegian sweater. But this time I really set the cherry on top by wearing this hairband with the candy cane! It looks so funny and sweet, doesn't it?!

Furthermore, I am not laughing in the photo, I am actually singing along the music! 

Who knows me, will relate to that!

Mission completed! I had just put the Christmas star up. Look at this happy face! How much joy can something as simple as decorating the Christmas tree bring?! 

My Mom actually filmed this moment... So, if you like listening to how I sing "Walking in the Winter Wonderland, walking in the Winter Wonderland!", your wishes might be answered! You just have to click on my latest post on Instagram! Here's the link to it! Just kidding; don't do it, it might be dangerous for your ears!

Well... maybe the mission was not completed after all becaaaause the Christmas tree OBVIOUSLY wasn't full enough; some "eatable" decorations had to be added. The only question now is if these ones will make it until Christmas!

I hope, you enjoyed reading through my Christmas preps. I surely had so much fun!
Wish you all a wonderful third Advent tomorrow! 

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