
About Christmas

Christmas. Lights, holidays and gifts. Everybody should know that Christmas spirit is not about these things, but yet about something deeper.

Firstly, we celebrate Christmas to actually celebrate the nativity of Jesus Christ. So we celebrate life and joy and the little daily miracles as it can be a sunny day when we really needed it. 


As it is about joy, what about to bring joy in other's everyday life? It could be an idea, couldn't it? That is why especially on Christmas we should be kinder and gift a smile to anybody. After all, also a little smile can bring a lot of positivity in a person's day.


Surely, another way to bring joy and peacefulness is to be in peace with your surroundings. So, also if it can come across as a cliché, Christmas is the perfect moment to make up with the people you may have had an argument with - without pride to achieve a bigger goal. 

My friends say about me that I really hate quarrels and conflicts. Yes, it is so and more than ever on Christmas when there only should be serenity. 


Maybe as Christmas celebrates the birth we should already look at it as a point in time to begin something new and correct manners which aren't ideal and not wait another week for the New Year's resolution. Although... at the other hand maybe every day should be appropriate to improve our behaviour.


I am not here to tell what one has to do or not. These are as always my opinions and reflections. But if it is possible that you - thanks to them - might want be more radiant, make up with someone or improve something in your life, I am more than only happy.


I wish you all great days with your beloved ones. May there be wonderful memories about these days for all of you!

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